Dark Souls I Soundtrack 2xLP - Motoi Sakuraba | Yuka Kitamura (Splatter Vinyl)
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Limited to 1 copy per person.
Great soundtrack for the classic game Dark Souls. This is the music from the first game of the trilogy - Dark Souls 1. Released on heavy, translucent, splatter vinyl by Spacelab9.
Record Label
SPACELAB9 - SL9-2042-1-7-C
1 Prologue 3:44
2 Firelink Shrine 2:55
3 Taurus Demon 2:37
4 Bell Gargoyle 3:24
5 Pinwheel 2:55
6 Gaping Dragon 2:14
7 Chaos Witch Quelaag 2:36
8 Daughters Of Chaos 2:53
9 Iron Golem 2:48
10 Ornstein & Smough 3:03
11 Gwynevere, Princess Of Sunlight 3:20
12 Great Grey Wolf Sif 3:16
13 Ceaseless Discharge 3:01
14 Centipede Demon 2:48
15 Four Kings 2:45
16 Seath The Scaleless 2:52
17 Gravelord Nito 2:41
18 Bed Of Chaos 2:58
19 The Ancient Dragon 3:38
20 Crossbreed Priscilla 3:07
21 Dark Sun Gwyndolin 2:57
22 Gwyn, Lord Of Cinder 3:35
23 Nameless Song 6:38